Table of contents
When converting images to WebP in our cloud, one issue was that it did not effect images that were uploaded before adding the conversion logic. Thus, we needed a way to convert all the images in our S3 bucket.
S3 contained images that were not in WebP format
Our team decided to serve all images as WebP to reduce the rendering time on our website.
Attach a Lambda@Edge to the origin response from our S3 bucket to check if the image was in WebP format. If not, send the data to our Simple Notification Service to which the Lambda in charge of converting the image subscribes.
User requests image from CloudFront (CDN)
CloudFront requests image from S3
Lambda@Edge intercepts response and checks whether the image is WebP
If the image is not WebP creates a message to AWS SNS.
Lambda function in charge of converting image to WebP subscribes to the SNS and converts the image.